City of Albuquerque
File #: R-24-104   
Type: Resolution Status: Enacted
File created: 11/18/2024 In control: City Council
Final action: 12/16/2024
Enactment date: 1/2/2025 Enactment #: R-2024-093
Title: Approving And Authorizing The Acceptance Of A Grant From Bernalillo County For The Sawmill Community Land Trust Technical Plan Development Project And Providing An Appropriation To The Office Of Equity And Inclusion (Baca)
Sponsors: JoaquĆ­n Baca
Attachments: 1. R-104, 2. R-104Enacted
Date Action ByActionResultAction Details
1/2/2025 City Clerk Published  Action details
12/29/2024 Mayor Signed by the Mayor  Action details
12/23/2024 City Council Sent to Mayor for Signature  Action details
12/16/2024 City Council PassedPass Action details
12/2/2024 City Council Accepted with a Recommendation Do Pass  Action details
11/25/2024 Finance & Government Operations Committee Sent to Council with a recommendation of Do PassPass Action details
11/18/2024 City Council Introduced and Referred  Action details
11/18/2024 President Referred  Action details





COUNCIL BILL NO.     R-24-104          ENACTMENT NO.   ________________________


SPONSORED BY: Joaquín Baca





Approving And Authorizing The Acceptance Of A Grant From Bernalillo County For The Sawmill Community Land Trust Technical Plan Development Project And Providing An Appropriation To The Office Of Equity And Inclusion (Baca)


WHEREAS, the need for permanent and affordable housing is a crisis that both the City and County desire to address immediately; and

WHEREAS, the Sawmill Community Land Trust (SCLT) is partnering with the City of Albuquerque's Office of Equity and Inclusion to develop a technical plan for mixed-use and mixed-income housing on undeveloped parcels of land; and

WHEREAS, the City’s Office of Equity and Inclusion was selected to participate in the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Thriving Communities Program (TCP), providing resources and technical assistance for the project; and

WHEREAS, the property includes land owned by both the SCLT and the City, located within Council District 2, with the City owning approximately 27 acres; and

WHEREAS, this collaboration aims to address the urgent need for permanent and affordable housing within the community; and

WHEREAS, the Councilor for District 2 is in support of the project and has dedicated Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars ($65,000) of Council Set-Aside funding towards its development; and

WHEREAS, Bernalillo County has awarded an additional Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars ($65,000) to supplement the City funding for the project; and

WHEREAS, an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and the County outlines the collaboration and funding arrangements for the project; and

WHEREAS, the project will be executed by SCLT in cooperation with the City’s Office of Equity and Inclusion and other relevant departments; and


WHEREAS, the appropriation of the funds contributed from Bernalillo County for the SCLT Technical Plan Development Project is timely and necessary for the City to serve its citizens.


Section 1. That the following appropriation is hereby made in the Capital Acquisition Fund (305) as indicated:


Office of Equity and Inclusion

Sawmill Community Land Trust Technical Plan Development   $65,000

                     The scope of the project is to support the development of a technical plan for mixed-use and mixed-income housing on undeveloped parcels, including project planning, design, equipment, enhancements and otherwise improvements.