TO: Brook Bassan, City Council
FROM: Timothy M. Keller, Mayor
SUBJECT: title
Mayor's appointment of Ms. Mary Nance to the Senior Affairs Advisory Council
I am submitting for your advice and consent the following name for appointment to the Senior
Affairs Advisory Council in accordance with a Joint Powers Agreement between the City of
Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, Village of Los Ranchos de Albuquerque and the Village of
Ms. Mary Nance
Albuquerque, NM 87109
December 31, 2027
Mary recently retired from a 25+ year career in Information Technology (IT) as a Project Leader/Manager and Business Analyst. In her IT roles, she was responsible for ensuring that users of electronic business and medical records applications were developed and functioned to meet end user needs, company workflows and regulatory requirements. She was the bridge between the end users and the IT department which required stakeholder focus, accountability and integrity, ability to navigate the gray areas, effective communication, and trust. All her IT roles required Mary to have a thorough understanding of business process, workflows and state and federal regulations.
Mary enjoyed being a volunteer Ombudsman for the NM Department of Aging and Long-Term Services for about 8 years, where she was an advocate for residents at a local nursing home and assisted living facility. She assisted residents in making their wishes heard/known and helped to foster communication between residents and facility staff.
Mary earned a Master's in Social Work from NM Highlands University and a Bachelor's in Business Administration from the University of New Mexico.
A resident of District 4, Ms. Mary Nance will fill a vacancy and serve as a City Representative on the Council; her first term will expire on December 31, 2027.
The remaining members are:
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