COUNCIL BILL NO. RA-25-3 ENACTMENT NO. ________________________
SPONSORED BY: Dan Champine
Amending Article II, Sections 4(D) And 4(H); Article II, Section 5; And Article III, Section 24(9) Of The City Council Rules Of Procedure (Champine)
SECTION 1. ARTICLE II, Sections 4(D) and 4(H) of the City Council Rules of Procedure are amended as follows:
"D. All Committee assignments shall be subject to the approval of the City Council at the [first] [second] meeting in the month of January at which the President is elected.
H. Every report of a Committee, upon any matter referred to the Committee, shall be in writing and addressed to the President of the City Council:
(1) The report shall contain a summary report of the actions by and before the Committee in addition to the Committee recommendations, including the vote of each member. Every committee report shall be entered upon the journal of the City Council.
(2) The report on a bill shall carry one or more of the following recommendations:
(a) Do Pass
(b) Do Pass, as amended
(c) Without recommendation [*]
(d) Without recommendation, as amended [*]
(e) Do Not Pass
(f) Be referred to another committee [*]
(g) Be referred to a Committee-of-the-Whole [*]
(h) Substituted
(i) Substituted, as amended
[* The failure of these motions in Committee requires subsequent motion(s) to establish the Committee's final recommendation to the City Council.]"
[(3) The failure of any "Do Pass" motion on a bill in Committee shall result in the bill being reported to the City Council as "FAILED" and pursuant to ARTICLE, II, Section 6(6) of these Rules, the Council's acceptance of such a report shall result in failure of the bill; provided, however, that any bill that has failed in this manner will be revived by a subsequent motion and second to revive that receives an affirmative vote of at least four Councilors, in which cas...
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