City of Albuquerque
File #: R-19-206   
Type: Resolution Status: Enacted
File created: 11/4/2019 In control: City Council
Final action: 11/18/2019
Enactment date: 12/5/2019 Enactment #: R-2019-086
Title: F/S Establishing Legislative And Budget Priorities For The City Of Albuquerque For The 2020 New Mexico State Legislature (Pe?a)
Sponsors: Klarissa J. Peña
Attachments: 1. R-206.pdf, 2. R-206 Approved Floor Substitute.pdf, 3. FS R-206Enacted
Date Action ByActionResultAction Details
12/5/2019 City Clerk Published  Action details
12/2/2019 Mayor Signed by the Mayor  Action details
11/26/2019 City Council Sent to Mayor for Signature  Action details
11/18/2019 City Council Passed as SubstitutedPass Action details
11/18/2019 City Council MotionPass Action details
11/18/2019 City Council SubstitutedPass Action details
11/4/2019 City Council Introduced  Action details
11/4/2019 President To be heard at the Council Meeting  Action details





COUNCIL BILL NO.         F/S R-19-206               ENACTMENT NO.   ____________________


SPONSORED BY:                     Klarissa Peña                     





F/S Establishing Legislative And Budget Priorities For The City Of Albuquerque For The 2020 New Mexico State Legislature (Peña)



                     WHEREAS, the State of New Mexico and the City of Albuquerque, a municipal subdivision of the State, are charged with providing for the public health, welfare and safety. Both the State and the City often share missions and responsibilities that are most effectively provided for through cooperative initiatives; and

                     WHEREAS, many of the facilities and services offered through the City of Albuquerque have a significant regional impact that serve residents of Albuquerque, Central New Mexico and citizens from throughout New Mexico. To succeed in acquiring the funds to construct and improve these facilities requires a joint effort between the State of New Mexico and the City of Albuquerque; and

                     WHEREAS, The City of Albuquerque is one community created through many neighborhoods. These neighborhoods, as does the City as a whole, require continual investment. Efforts to fund neighborhood projects are multi-year combined efforts between neighborhood groups, Albuquerque City Councilors, New Mexico State Legislators and often Bernalillo County Commissioners.


                     SECTION 1.  The City of Albuquerque after careful consideration of its responsibilities with the State of New Mexico, respectfully requests that the New Mexico State Legislature develop or support policies that provide funding and or implementation for “Significant Regional Projects,” “Neighborhood Priority Improvement Projects,” and “Operations and Program Support” as identified in this Resolution, as these needs have significant local, regional, and statewide impact. For implementation of these projects to be successful a partnership between the City of Albuquerque and the State of New Mexico is needed.

                     SECTION 2.                     Following is the list of projects for which the City is requesting funding from the New Mexico Legislature. These projects will be supported with local funding and other resources. It is the desire of the City to fully fund a project or a distinct phase of a project so that state funds can be expended in an efficient manner that best benefits the community.

24/7 Emergency Shelter(s) with Crisis Triage Support Phase 2: Obtain state funds to match $14,000,000 in local funds for construction of phase two of the centralized emergency shelter with triage support to provide services seven days a week and for 24 hours a day that include connection to indigent care, mental crisis treatment, and addiction treatment.

Crime-Fighting Technology Modernization: Funding to integrate and update APD crime-fighting systems and to incorporate cutting-edge technology in the areas of mobile technology, records and computer-aided dispatch systems that can provide continuous real-time information that is combined with regional and State Public Safety Agencies, and a fully integrated data warehouse. 

Violence Interruption Program: Encouraging development of a statewide fund, available to support the Albuquerque Police Department and other law enforcement agencies that supports social services and targeted enforcement programs that combat violent crime.

School Crosswalk Safety and ADA Improvements: Plan, design and construct crossings to improve safety for our children to get to and from school based on the recently completed study requested by City Council that found 21 locations need some additional work for the crossings to meet the City’s standards for a safe school crossing.

Paseo del Norte Widening from Calle Nortena to Rainbow Boulevard: Expand Paseo del Norte Boulevard to four lanes in each direction, as provided for in the regional transportation infrastructure plan, to include right of way acquisition, design, and construction to improve the flow of traffic for Albuquerque’s Northwest Mesa and the City of Rio Rancho by improving a failed link in the arterial system that creates significant traffic delays.

                     Albuquerque Convention Center:  Match local funds to continue to renovate the Convention Center buildings, adjacent features and access, in order to attract large scale nation-wide conventions and performances to Albuquerque.

African American History Museum and Cultural Center: Plan, design and construct a museum and cultural center to educate people about the nation’s African American history, art and culture and the impact of African American history, art and culture on New Mexico.

                     Alameda Boulevard between Barstow Street and Rich Court: Build out the full roadway cross-section so as to improve traffic flow on an east/west arterial and make storm drainage improvements to reduce neighborhood flooding.

Altura Park Renovations: Renovate the irrigation system and plant new trees for Altura Park.

Broadway Corridor Projects: Match City Lodgers Tax, City General Obligation Bonds and Private Investments for the construction of the Downtown Broadway Corridor Project to include storm drainage facilities, roadway, pedestrian and streetscape improvements between Marble Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard and an at-grade railroad crossing at Marquette Avenue. Initiatives also include matching funding from Bernalillo County Affordable Housing Bonds and Mortgage Finance Authority Tax Credits to renovate 96 affordable housing units at the Commons in Martineztown in the South Martineztown Neighborhood of Albuquerque.

Brush Truck: Purchase a brush truck for the Albuquerque Fire and Rescue Department’s District Station 16 for the purpose of providing wildland fire protection for the Urban/Wildland Interface in Albuquerque’s North East Heights.

Cibola Loop Community Complex: Design and construct community facilities at the City’s Cibola Loop Complex to include a library, a multi-generational center and Indoor lap, recreational, and therapy pools to serve the Northwest Mesa of Albuquerque.

City Council District 6 City Parks Irrigation, and Infrastructure Improvements: Update the irrigation systems, parking areas and play ground of aging parks, in Albuquerque City Council District 6.

City Council District 6 Sidewalk Repair and Infill: Address pedestrian safety and access needs in neighborhoods with high levels of pedestrian activity in Albuquerque City Council District 6.

City Council District 7 Community Centers: Renovate, expand and otherwise improve the McKinley and Snow Park Community Centers in Albuquerque City Council District 7.

City Council District 8 City Parks Irrigation and Infrastructure Improvements: Update the irrigation systems, parking areas and play ground of aging parks, in Albuquerque City Council District 8.

Community Centers: Plan, design, construct, update and renovate community centers throughout the City of Albuquerque to improve service delivery of services provided to the public, through community centers, including meeting spaces, computer labs, self-improvement classes, and fitness gyms.

Community and Public Safety Complex in Albuquerque’s Southeast Heights: Construct a Community and Public Safety Complex at San Mateo Boulevard and Kathryn Street to improve the delivery of public safety services in the Southeast Heights of Albuquerque and to incentivize new private and public investment along the South San Mateo Corridor.

Crestview Bluff/Arenal Drain Land Acquisition: Purchase property to preserve open space at a historic bluff in the Atrisco Land Grant.

                     Fiftieth Anniversary of Balloon Fiesta: Funding to match local funds to celebrate the 50th anniversary of New Mexico’s crown jewel event in 2021, including constructing a crow’s nest and upgrading the public address system and electronic systems at Balloon Fiesta Park.

Golf Course Improvements: Upgrading, modernizing, equipping for accessibility and improving public golf courses across the City.

                     Holocaust & Intolerance Museum of New Mexico: Plan, design and construct a museum to educate people about the Holocaust as well as other genocides and forms of bullying that have affected people around the world.

                     Interstate 40 Interchanges at Paseo Del Vulcan and at 118th Street: Funding to plan design, acquire right of way and construct interchanges on Interstate 40 at Paseo Del Vulcan and at 118th Street in Albuquerque on the west side of Albuquerque to continue long standing economic development initiatives to provide access between the interstate system to critical facilities including the Jennifer Riordan Sparks Kindness Sports Complex- Albuquerque Public School Nusenda Stadium, a planned regional hospital and medical complex, the Cerro Colorado Landfill, the Metropolitan Detention Center, and Double Eagle II Airport and associated business parks.   

Interstate Interchange Landscaping: Landscape Interstate Interchanges within the City of Albuquerque that are gateways to the City and the major community and employment centers in Albuquerque.

Isotopes Park Improvements: Plan, design, construct, furnish and equip and otherwise improve Isotopes Park, including but not limited to netting, field improvement, and concession stands at Isotopes Park.

Joan Jones Community Center Gymnasium: Construct Phase Three of the Joan Jones Community Center to include an indoor gymnasium.

Los Altos Park Renovations: Complete renovations to the Los Altos Park softball fields, the dog park, the tree canopy, and parking lots and add a BMX pump track so as to provide a facility for sports tourism and community recreation.

McMahon Blvd Cross-Section Buildout: Buildout the full cross-section of McMahon Boulevard from Anasazi Ridge Avenue/Kayenta Street to Maravillas/Rockcliff Drive to include, right of way acquisition, planning, design and construction so as to improve the flow of traffic on an east/west arterial in the Northwest Mesa of Albuquerque.

Neighborhood Lighting in Underserved Areas of Southeast and Southwest Albuquerque: Design and construct lighting to enhance safety and security in the aging and historically underserved areas of Southeast and Southwest Albuquerque.

North Domingo Baca Park Pool: Construct a recreation and lap pool to fill a service void in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County east of the Rio Grande River, north of Montgomery Boulevard/Montano Road west of the Sandia National Wilderness and south of Tramway Boulevard/Road.

Old Town-Bio Park- Museum Connectivity: Match local investments in the State's most popular tourist attraction, the BioPark, by enhancing connectivity to other regional tourist destinations including Old Town and the State's Museum of Natural History.

Park Shade Structures and Spray Parks: Enhance neighborhood recreational opportunities by providing shade structures and spray pads in parks Citywide.

Rail Yards Improvements: Match local and other sources of funds to continue to redevelop the 27-acre historic Albuquerque Rail Yards site, including bringing buildings up to occupation standards and codes.

Replacement for City Fire Station 12: To purchase land, plan, design and construct a new Fire Station 12, to replace an antiquated fire house that services one of Albuquerque’s busiest fire districts for calls for service and to improve the delivery of fire and rescue services in Albuquerque’s East Gateway Area.

Rio Grande and Bellamah Complete Street Improvements: Match City general obligation bonds and private investments to provide pedestrian amenities, multi-modal improvements and streetscaping in Albuquerque’s Old Town and Saw Mill Districts on Rio Grande Boulevard between Interstate 40 and Chacoma Place and on Bellamah Avenue between 18th Street and Rio Grande Boulevard. This project will provide safe transportation to an area with intensive pedestrian, and bicycle activity and will create an enhanced gateway from Interstate 40 to Albuquerque’s Old Town and Museum District.

Route 66 Destination and Visitors Center: Construct a Route 66 Destination and Visitor Center on Nine Mile Hill at Central and 136th Street to provide an interpretive center of Albuquerque’s role as the location of the longest urban section of Route 66, to connect the culture and history of Albuquerque Southwest Area with the New Mexico Tourism Industry, to provide a site to view Albuquerque’s storied city lights and the surrounding mountain ranges, and to create an event center for the over quarter million people of Albuquerque’s West Side.

San Pedro Corridor Improvements from Paseo Del Norte to Alameda Boulevard: Convert a rural section San Pedro Road to an urban cross-section to improve a north south arterial link in Albuquerque’s Far Northeast Heights and to accommodate for significant traffic growth in the far northeast section of Albuquerque.

School Crosswalk Improvements: Funding to improve and increase the safety of pedestrian crosswalks at Albuquerque Public Schools.

Singing Arrow Community Complex: Plan, design, and build the Singing Arrow Community Complex located in Singing Arrow Park, including construction of a community center in a high density area of mixed income neighborhoods and an archeological center that protects and provides interpretive information pertaining to the ruins of a historic Spanish Colonial Era Village.

Tijeras Bio Zone Land Acquisition and Restoration: Land acquisition and restoration of City Open Space Lands in the Tijeras Bio Zone to protect four bio-zones and the only other year round running stream in Albuquerque besides the Rio Grande.

Westgate Community Center: Design and construct  the Westgate Community Center Phases One and Two to accommodate the significant population growth in the Westgate Area of Albuquerque and to provide facility space to offer the expanded list of services provided by modern community centers.

Westside Sports Complex Albuquerque West Side: Continue development of the Jennifer Riordan Sparks Kindness Sports Complex- Albuquerque Public School Nusenda Stadium by constructing baseball fields, an indoor sports complex, a soccer complex and other sports facilities as identified through a planning process so as to provide facilities for sports leagues throughout Albuquerque/Bernalillo County and as a location to host regional tournaments.

SECTION 3.    Operations and Program Support:

            The City of Albuquerque seeks operational funding for key initiatives with statewide impact.

(A)                     Substance Abuse and Behavioral Health Services: Provide additional resources for substance abuse, mental health and other behavioral health services critical to deterring and preventing crime across the State.

(B)                      Respite Center Funding: Continued support through the Area Agency on Aging for the operations of the South Valley Respite Center.

























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