COUNCIL BILL NO. C/S R-16-12 ENACTMENT NO. ________________________
SPONSORED BY: Isaac Benton
C/S Establishing A Priorities List For The City Of Albuquerque’s Future Open Space Land Acquisitions; Identifying Immediate Priorities And Special Provisions For Certain Properties (Benton)
WHEREAS, the City of Albuquerque Open Space Division of the Parks and Recreation Department manages an inventory of Open Space Lands and has established a list of additional lands that are desired as additions to the City’s open space network; and
WHEREAS, the City Council is responsible for ensuring that public funds earmarked for open space land acquisition are expended only on purchases that best promote the open space needs and interests of the residents; and
WHEREAS, the City Council does not presently have a mechanism to review proposed open space acquisitions until after significant resources are expended in furtherance of acquiring the properties; and
WHEREAS, notwithstanding that the Council presently lacks a mechanism through which it can give timely policy guidance in advance, the City Council must nonetheless ultimately approve any specific open space acquisitions; and
WHEREAS, since the Council is ultimately tasked with approving proposed acquisitions, City Resources would be better preserved by implementing a mechanism for the City Council to review open space acquisition priorities in advance of any steps in furtherance of specific acquisitions; and
WHEREAS, certain properties listed as priorities for acquisition by purchase as of December 2015, such as the Northern Sand Dunes and the North Rio Puerco Escarpment are located in unincorporated Bernalillo County some distance from the present urban fringe of the City; and
WHEREAS, Bernalillo County is likely better situated to preserve open space interests in the area of the Northern Sand Dunes and the North Rio Puerco Escarpment through purchase or negotiated dedication as part of development agreements with the private owners as growth occurs in those areas of the County; and
WHEREAS, the City should work more closely with the County as it relates to open space acquisitions that may serve mutual benefits in unincorporated areas before pursuing direct acquisition on its own; and
WHEREAS, the Petroglyph National Monument is one of the region’s most important cultural and open space assets and there are properties near the monument that are situated in the more near term path of urban growth, which if acquired as open space, present opportunities to build upon and further protect the monument’s resources.
Section 1. Open Space Priority List. After reviewing the list of priority lands for acquisition as recommended by the Open Space Division and the Open Space Advisory Board as of December, 2015, the following refined list is approved and adopted as the official open space acquisition priorities for the City:
Cerro Colorado Volcano,
Northern Geologic Window (North 1/3),
Northern Sand Dunes,
North Rio Puerco Escarpment,
Volcano Cliffs Sector Development Plan Parcels:
Boca Negra Arroyo Middle Branch; and
La Cuentista,
Tijeras Arroyo Biological Zone, and
Volcano Heights (State Land Office Parcel).
The order of the above list is not intended to connote an order of importance, but only to list all of these properties as priorities for the City.
Section 2. Special Provisions for the Northern Sand Dunes & North Rio Puerco Escarpment. The properties in unincorporated Bernalillo County known as the Northern Sand Dunes and the North Rio Puerco Escarpment, which were recommended for acquisition by the Open Space Division and the Open Space Advisory Board as of the December 2015 priority list, remain open space priorities to the City. The City shall support and cooperate with Bernalillo County in the event the County pursues acquisition of the property, however, no City funds shall be used for any acquisition or negotiation activity without prior approval of the City Council.
Section 3. Prioritizing Volcano Cliffs Sector Development Plan Parcels and the Northern Geologic Window (North 1/3). The Volcano Cliffs Sector Development Plan Parcels (La Cuentista and the and Boca Negra Arroyo Middle Branch) and the Northern Geologic Window (North 1/3) are situated adjacent to the Petroglyph National Monument in an area of present or near term growth pressure, have provided unauthorized access to the Monument, and contain unique land forms, view sheds, natural and cultural resources, and critical wildlife habitat that would be threatened by growth. If preserved as municipal open space, these parcels could contribute to the open space and cultural resources available at the monument.
(A) Acquisition. The City shall pursue the properties identified in Section 3 as its most immediate open space acquisition priority through fee purchase, acquisition of easements, negative easements, licenses, leases, or any other reasonable mechanism or any combination thereof that allows for the preservation and enjoyment of this open space for the general public.
(B) Appropriation. The following appropriations are hereby made and/or changed and that transfers of revenues to the specific projects are made as indicated.
Department Source (Decrease)
Parks and Recreation
Open Space Land Acquisition
Fencing & Protection 2011 GO Bond (142,514)
Open Space Land Acquisition,
Fencing and Protection 2013 GO Bond (750,000)
Volcano Cliffs Sector Development Plan Parcels and North Geologic Window (North 1/3)
Acquisition 2011 GO Bond 142,514
2013 GO Bond 750,000
Project Scope: To purchase land identified as the “Boca Negra Arroyo Middle Branch,” and/or the “Northern Geologic Window (North 1/3),” and/or the “La Cuentista Property” for Open Space, including surveying, platting, building fences, purchase equipment required for the protection of Open Space, install signs and make associated improvements.
Section 4. Progress Reporting. The City of Albuquerque Real Property Division shall upon request of the City Council provide oral quarterly reports to the City Council on the progress of acquiring properties identified in Section 3.
Section 5. Current Acquisition Activities. With the exception of those properties identified in Section 2, above, adoption of this Resolution shall not impact Open Space Division land acquisition activities which are currently ongoing based on assessments of known development pressure, cost and recreational value of those properties by the Open Space Division and Open Space Advisory Board.
X:\CITY COUNCIL\SHARE\CL-Staff\_Legislative Staff\Legislation\22 Council\R-12CSfinal.docx