TO: Rey Garduño, President, City Council
FROM: Richard J. Berry, Mayor
Recommendation of Award to Clarion Associates for "Phase 2 - Comprehensive Plan/Unified Development Ordinance - Stage 2"
The City of Albuquerque Department of Planning, in conjunction with Department of Finance and Administrative Services, Purchasing Division, issued the subject solicitation. The solicitation was a two phase process, Phase one selected three proposers to prepare a white paper and submit a technical and cost proposal for evaluation. Three (3) responses were received for evaluation.
The ad hoc evaluation committee evaluated and scored the responses, in accordance with the evaluation criteria published in the RFP and recommends award of contract to Clarion Associates. I concur with this recommendation. Listed in ranking order are the firms' composite scores:
Clarion Associates LLC 4802
Stantec Consulting Services 4183
Code Studio 3825
The City of Albuquerque's Planning Department will manage this contract.
The services resulting from this RFP will be funded out of Fund 305 - Capital Acquisitions.
I am requesting Council approval for this extremely needed project.
Mayor's Recommendation of Award (ROA) for P2015000018, Phase 2 "Comprehensive Plan / Unified Development Ordinance Stage 2"
Approved: Approved as to Legal Form:
___________________________ _______________________________
Robert J. Perry Date David J. Tourek Date
Chief Administrative Officer City Attorney