City of Albuquerque
File #: R-10-172   
Type: Resolution Status: Failed
File created: 12/6/2010 In control: City Council
Final action: 12/20/2010
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Directing The Administration To Work With The City Council To Outline The Steps For The City of Albuquerque To "Opt Out" of Transportation Security Administration Screening At The Albuquerque International Sunport and Replace That Screening With A Private Contractor Under The Provisions of The Screening Partnership Program Authorized By Federal Law; Calling For A Report To The City Council On Or Before March 31, 2011 (Lewis)
Sponsors: Dan Lewis
Attachments: 1. R-172.pdf

COUNCIL BILL NO. ENACTMENT NO. _____________________


Directing The Administration To Work With The City Council To Outline The Steps For The City Of Albuquerque To “Opt Out” Of Transportation Security Administration Screening At The Albuquerque International Sunport And Replace That Screening With A Private Contractor Under The Provisions Of The Screening Partnership Program Authorized By Federal Law; Calling For A Report To The City Council On Or Before March 31, 2011.
WHEREAS, the TSA has become a huge, unwieldy bureaucracy which has grown to more than 67,000 employees; and
WHEREAS, more importantly, the TSA is impersonal, administratively top-heavy, and dangerously ineffective; and
WHEREAS, replacing TSA security and screening with a federally approved private security firm will result in better service at a better price, better customer service, and more accountability; and
WHEREAS, the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA) allows airports to utilize a program known as the Screening Partnership Program (SPP), which allows airports to benefit from private-sector expertise and know-how; and
WHEREAS, under the SPP, airports work in partnership with the TSA to hire a qualified private screening company to provide screening services at airports under federal oversight; and
WHEREAS, the program is based on operational experience gained from a pilot program known as the PP5, which launched private screening programs at five different airports across the nation, including San Francisco International Airport, Kansas City International Airport, Greater Rochester International Airport, Jackson Hole Airport, and Tupelo Regional Airport; and
WHEREAS, there are currently 16 airports participating in the Screening Partnership Program: San Francisco International Airport; Kansas City International Airport; Greater Rochester Intern...

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