City of Albuquerque
File #: EC-25-318   
Type: Executive Communication Status: Approved
File created: 2/3/2025 In control: City Council
Final action: 3/3/2025
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Request Authorization of Social Service Agreement with Family Endeavors, Inc, d/b/a Endeavors to Provide Recovery-Focused Services to Individuals Overcoming Opioid Use Disorder and co-occurring Substance Use Disorder
Attachments: 1. EC-318
Date Action ByActionResultAction Details
3/3/2025 City Council ApprovedPass Action details
2/19/2025 City Council Accepted with a recommendation Be Approved  Action details
2/10/2025 Finance & Government Operations Committee Sent to Council with a recommendation of Be ApprovedPass Action details
2/3/2025 City Council MotionPass Action details
2/3/2025 City Council Received and Referred  Action details
2/3/2025 President Referred  Action details





INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM                                                                                                         January 15, 2025


TO:                                          Brook Bassan, President, City Council


FROM:                     Timothy M. Keller, Mayor


SUBJECT:                     title

Request Authorization of Social Service Agreement with Family Endeavors, Inc, d/b/a Endeavors to Provide Recovery-Focused Services to Individuals Overcoming Opioid Use Disorder and co-occurring Substance Use Disorder




The City of Albuquerque allows for the direct procurement for social services as specified in Social Services Contracts Procurement Section 5. Request for Proposals Process for Social Services.  As such, the Department of Health, Housing and Homelessness issued Request for Proposal (RFP):RFP-2025-645-HHH-RM, Gateway to Recovery Housing, to secure an operator for the Gateway Recovery Community.  As a result of this RFP, the Department of Health, Housing and Homelessness made an award to Family Endeavors, Inc., d/b/a Endeavors, and plans to enter into a Social Service Agreement with Endeavors, to operate the Gateway Recovery Community for up to fifty (50) single adult clients in early recovery who may have been discharged from treatment facilities or detention centers, are unhoused or precariously housed, and have an Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and/or co-occurring Substance Use Disorder (SUD).


The RFP allowed for an agreement with a term of up to three years, with an annual allocation of up to $2,700,000 for a potential three year total of up to $8,100,000. Year 1 would be pro-rated for five months of service for a total of up to $1,121,117, and for the time period of February 1, 2025 - June 30, 2025. The agreement will be funded by utilizing opioid funds appropriated by City Council to support the Department of Health, Housing, and Homelessness in implementing this project through Resolution R-24-29 and Enactment No. R-2024-25.


The Department of Health, Housing and Homelessness respectfully forwards this request to the Council for consideration and action.




Legislation Title:                     Request Authorization of Social Service Agreement with Family Endeavors, Inc., d/b/a Endeavors to Provide Recovery-Focused Services to Individuals Overcoming Opioid Use Disorder and co-occurring Substance Use Disorder                     




Approved:                                                                                                                     Approved as to Legal Form:



_______________________________                                                                   ____________________________

Samantha Sengel, EdD                             Date                                                               Lauren Keefe                                                                      Date

Chief Administrative Officer                                                                                                         City Attorney










Gilbert Ramirez, Director                                                               Date

Dept. of Health, Housing, & Homelessness







Attachments:                     RFP2025-645-HHH-RM, Gateway to Recovery Housing

                                          Family Endeavors, Inc. dba Endeavors Proposal and Budget

                                          Score sheets for Family Endeavors, Inc. dba Endeavors

                                          Letter of Recommendation to Family Endeavors, Inc. dba Endeavors

                                          Resolution R24-29 and Enactment No. R-2024-25

FY2025 Social Service Agreement with Family Endeavors, Inc. dba Endeavors

C/S R -22-91

LG Abatement Fund 201