City of Albuquerque
File #: R-13-190   
Type: Resolution Status: Enacted
File created: 6/24/2013 In control: City Council
Final action: 9/16/2013
Enactment date: 10/4/2013 Enactment #: R-2013-086
Title: Making An Appropriation To Allow The Fire Department To Provide In-Person And On Paid Status For Rank Specific Certification Courses During The 2014 Fiscal Year.
Attachments: 1. R-190, 2. R-190cs, 3. R-190csfinal, 4. CS R-190Enacted
Date Action ByActionResultAction Details
10/4/2013 City Clerk Published  Action details
10/4/2013 Mayor Signed by the Mayor  Action details
9/25/2013 City Council Sent to Mayor for Signature  Action details
9/16/2013 City Council PassedPass Action details
8/19/2013 City Council Accepted with a recommendation Do Pass, As Substituted  Action details
8/12/2013 Finance & Government Operations Committee Sent to Council with a recommendation of Do Pass, as SubstitutedPass Action details
8/12/2013 Finance & Government Operations Committee SubstitutedPass Action details
6/24/2013 City Council Introduced and Referred  Action details
6/24/2013 President Referred  Action details

COUNCIL BILL NO. C/S R-13-190 ENACTMENT NO. ________________________

SPONSORED BY: Dan Lewis, Don Harris

Making An Appropriation To Allow The Fire Department To Provide In-Person And On Paid Status For Rank Specific Certification Courses During The 2014 Fiscal Year.
WHEREAS, the City of Albuquerque maintains a highly professional, well trained Fire Department based on NFPA professional qualifications; and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City, its citizens, the Fire Department and its firefighters to maintain promotional eligibility requirements for each promotable rank within the Fire Department and to provide for equitable promotional opportunities for all members of the Fire Department; and
WHEREAS, whether the City should provide in person, on-duty training for promotional eligibility required to sit for promotional exams was the subject of a prohibited practices complaint (LB 12-15) filed against the City by the International Association of Firefighters, Local 244 (IAFF); and
WHEREAS, in a settlement agreement regarding that complaint, the City agreed to provide rank specific certification courses to its members in person and on a paid status based upon available funding specifically appropriated to the AFD Training budget for this purpose for the ranks of Lieutenant, Captain and Commander effective July 1, 2013; and
WHEREAS, the monetary compensation and classes provided by AFD depend "wholly and entirely contingent upon the granting of funds from the City Council" for rank specific certification courses; and
WHEREAS, the City Council feels that it is in the best interest of the City and the Fire Department to make such an appropriation; and
WHEREAS, there are unappropriated, unencumbered funds available in the general fund sufficient to make the appropriation described below.

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