R-11-211 ENACTMENT NO. ________________________
SPONSORED BY: Dan Lewis , by request
C/S For An Area of Approximately 446 Acres, Adopting of The Volcano Trails Sector Development Plan; Changing Existing Zoning on Undeveloped Properties (Lewis, by request)
FOR AN AREA OF APPROXIMATELY 446 ACRES AND BORDERED GENERALLY BY UNIVERSE BOULEVARD TO THE EAST, STATE LAND, APS SCHOOL SITES AND THE NORTHERN GEOLOGIC WINDOW TO THE SOUTH, VACANT BERNALILLO COUNTY LAND TO THE WEST, AND PASEO DEL NORTE TO THE NORTH, ADOPTING THE VOLCANO TRAILS SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN As a rank 3 plan; changing existing zoning on undeveloped properties from RD to SU-2 Volcano trails village center, su-2 volcano trails urban residential, su-2 volcano trails residential developing area, su-2 volcano trails small lot, su-2 volcano trails medium lot, and su-2 volcano trails open space.
WHEREAS, the City Council, the governing body of the City of Albuquerque, has the authority to adopt and amend plans for the physical development of areas within the planning and platting jurisdiction of the City authorized by Statute, Section 3-19-1 et. seq., NMSA 1978, and by its home rule powers; and
WHEREAS, on March 3, 2011 the Environmental Planning Commission, in its advisory role on land use and planning matters, recommended that the City Council adopt the Volcano Trails Sector Development Plan (VTSDP); and
WHEREAS, the Environmental Planning Commission found approval of the Volcano Trails Sector Development Plan consistent with applicable goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, the Westside Strategic Plan, the Trails and Bikeways Facility Plan, the Facility Plan for Electric Service Transmission and Subtransmission Facilities, the City of Albuquerque Major Public Open Space Facility Plan, the Facility Plan for Arroyos, the Northwest Mesa Escarpment Plan, the Comprehensive Ci...
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